Radnorshire Bridge Club 2024 Statistics

The following tables show interesting statistics harvested from the results pages of all the evenings we played in 2024. Firstly overall attendance.

2024 Bridge evening summary
Number of evenings47
Average attendence23
Average tables(nearly) 6

Next the most loyal attendees

Chris Blackman 44 91
David Moore 44 91
Peter Friend 43 89
Joy Powell 43 89
Peter Smith 43 89
Jane Stirling 40 83
Rita Lawrence 39 81
Alison Thomas 39 81
Shan Smith 39 81
Claire Burton 38 79
Peter Friend & Chris Blackman4187.23
Alison Thomas & Shan Smith3880.85
David Moore & Alistair Moulden3268.09
Margaret Edwards & Sue Williams3268.09
Joy Powell & Phil Gould3063.83
Peter Smith & Kay Taylor3063.83
Pearl Davies & Val Morgan2859.57
Elizabeth Thorneycroft & Sue Thompson2859.57
Helen Jones & Jane Stirling2859.57
Belinda Davies & Tony Davies2859.57

Top performers now. Firstly the overall highest scoring pairs averaged for the whole year. Congratulations to Peter and Kay for averaging nearly 60%.

Top Performers
PairAv. %Evenings
Peter Smith & Kay Taylor59.0931
Belinda Davies & Tony Davies58.8028
Elizabeth Thorneycroft & Sue Thompson 56.73 28
David Moore & Alistair Moulden 54.89 33
Peter Friend & Chris Blackman 53.60 42
Peter Smith60643
Kay Taylor51336
Tony Davies42629
Belinda Davies42629
Peter Friend37243

Some technical stats now. Firstly an attempt to identify our best or most accurate declarers, who, whatever contract they have landed in make all the tricks available to the declarer. Note: this may be with or without the help of the defenders, but this will average out over the year.

Top Declarers
PlayerPlayedBelow best% Best
Belinda Davies 195 28 85
Elizabeth Thorneycroft 216 36 83
Tony Davies 186 30 83
Phil Gould 246 43 82
Sue Thompson 240 43 82

Defending is sometimes a neglected aspect of the game. It is important though, becuase as a player you are likely to defend more often than play. Here are our most accurate defenders. A lower percentage is better as it reflects the games where the defence dropped a trick. Note: it is often a case that the trick is lost on an unfortunate lead. Once again this should average out over a year of playing.

Top Defenders
PairDefendedDropped trick%
Peter & Kay 316 55 16.82
Belinda & Tony 335 72 21.49
Helen & Jane 3588022.12
Elizabeth & Sue 3397522.35
Peter & Chris 53712823.84

The next table shows the pairs most likely to double you. There are 3 clear front-runners in terms of frequency and results gained from the strategy.

Most Frequent Doublers
PairHandsDownMadeAvg. Score
Peter Smith & Kay Taylor2419574.75
Joy Powell & Phil Gould2320381.81
David Moore & Alistair Moulden2216670.83
Pearl Davies & Val Morgan168841.88
Debbie Davies & Alison Rosen117454.39
Shan Smith & Alison Thomas119254.77
Heather Hood & Anne Owens119261.52

Fun statistics now. A look at our slam performance. The next table shows slams bid, made and not made, either by play or more likely because the bidding was over-ambitious. The final column shows the average percent score achieved when the pair bid a slam.

Peter Smith & Kay Taylor2722576.11
Rita Lawrence & Fran Lewis1410464.93
Belinda Davies & Tony Davies129373.75
Alison Thomas & Shan Smith105545.60
David Moore & Alistair Moulden107358.00
Margaret Edwards & Sue Williams95448.89
Joy Powell & Phil Gould83521.00
Peter Friend & Chris Blackman64259.33
Debbie Davies & Alison Rosen64267.67
Kay Taylor & Chris Blackman43172.50
Heather Hood & Anne Owens31233.33
Elizabeth Thorneycroft & Sue Thompson33073.33

Finally for all of us who complain that we never get any cards (and I definitely include myself in that list), here are tables to show whether or not we are justified in that complaint (you see I am). Any names not present have had approximately their fair share of points.

Highs and Lows for Point Counts
PlayerAvg points
Margaret Edwards10.23
Heather Hood10.21
Rita Lawrence10.17
Anne Owens10.16
Debbie Davies10.11
PlayerAvg points
Tony Taylor 9.78
David Moore 9.81
Helen Jones 9.83
Joy Powell 9.85
Phil Gould 9.86